Picking the Best Lock for My Storage Unit
Published on 12/14/2024
important aspect of securing your valuables at any self-storage
facility in Thomasville, GA is making sure you secure your unit with a
good lock. With so many to choose from, which one do you buy?
deciding on a lock, be sure to consider the overall security of your
facility. Not all facilities are the same. Some are more secure than
others. Perimeter fencing, cameras, secure gates, etc. can all be
factors when determining the type of lock to purchase.
Let's take a look at the different options available:
Combination Locks
are some of the most popular and often the most affordable. No need for
keys, but you better remember the combination. We would stray away from
these "high school" locker type locks as they are very easy to cut or
destroy. If using a combination lock, we would recommend the more
expensive solutions.
Keyed Padlock
the most common and require a key to open the lock. They can be made in
a variety of materials that affect quality. A poor quality or small
locks can be easily pried open or snipped with bolt cutters. Other, more
expensive, types are hard to to tamper with. We would definitely
suggest, if you go this route, to purchase a more expensive, higher
quality lock for your unit.
Disc Locks
one of the best options for self-storage units, especially if they are
exterior units, are disc locks which are less prone to theft and
tampering. This style lock offers the best protection. They typically
require a grinder to remove making them the most difficult locks to get
off. These types of locks can either be keyed or combination.
Leesburg 44 Storage helps give you with additional peace on mind
when you rent in our facility. We offer 24/7 video surveillance and
electronic gate and facility access with your own personalized code. The
added peace of mind and a very strong lock on your storage unit door
will help you rest even easier. In addition, we offer very affordable
additional Tenant Protection when storing at our facility.
For additional information about our facility and available units, make sure to call (352) 283-8189 or just go to the "
Rent Storage" tab and take a look at what we have.